Prophecy of the Sisters | Teen Ink

Prophecy of the Sisters

July 10, 2013
By Jordan-Tyler GOLD, Worcester, Massachusetts
Jordan-Tyler GOLD, Worcester, Massachusetts
16 articles 6 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be yourself and you can be anything
Inspiration is a big thought that can come from little ideas.

An ancient prophecy connecting two sisters of the same womb.
The veil has long since been broken.
The ending of which will send one to her tomb.
Taking secrets to the grave before they could be spoken.

Because of the souls there is no one to trust.
With missing pages found, memorized and burned.
But the man, Dimitri who shares Lia's lust.
The factors in this tale seem to have turned.

Alice's powers, though outlawed, grows stronger.
All fate will be told on that destined day.
Lia continues her search for the two keys all the longer.
"only time will tell" is what Henry would say.

The author's comments:
This poem was inspired by the Prophecy Of The Sisters series by Michelle Zink.

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