The calm before the storm | Teen Ink

The calm before the storm

June 30, 2013
By LilaChason SILVER, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
LilaChason SILVER, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
7 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everyone is a genius but if you judge a fish on it's ability to climb a tree it will go it's whole life believing it's stupid- Albert Einstein

The calm before the storm
Everything is frozen
It's like the hold world is holding it's breath
It is completely silent
All of the animals have fled
You can feel the danger in the air
So tangilble you feel like
Every instinct in your being Screams for you to run
To get out of there
But you can't
Your Frozen
And in that one moment
That calm before the storm
You look back
And regret

The storm hits
Your whole world EXPLODES
You feel fear racing though your veins
Your blinded by the pounding rain
Your disoriented by the deafening thunder
All you want is to get out of there
All you want is to not lose what you had
You hold on with everything inside of you
Because you know the minute you let go
You'll never get back
Once something is shattered
Broke like glass on cement
You can't fix it
Nothing can

The storm is over
You feel relief
The sun breaks though the clouds
You collapse onto the grass
Your world is in ruins
But right now
It's over
Your safe for now

The author's comments:
I wrote this as a way to get over my writers block but ended up enjoying it a lot so I posted it on here.

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