Would You Say Yes | Teen Ink

Would You Say Yes

July 2, 2013
By shadow16. GOLD, Charleston, South Carolina
shadow16. GOLD, Charleston, South Carolina
12 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
you live and learn, but learn when the love is gone.

If I stood in line
and waited a decade just to see your face
would you say yes

if I wrote you a poem
telling you how you are so great
would you say yes

If I got on my knees
and pulled out a love note instead of a ring
would you say yes

If I stood at the end of a crowd
with flowers at hand
would you say yes

If I took you to the moon
or acted like a baphoon
for you, would you say yes

If I faught every man in my way
went through the pain of dooms day
for you,
would you say yes

If I stood in front
of a sword and death
for you,
would you say yes

if I took you through
a meadow and glew
for you,
would you say yes

If I wrote a book
on how much I think of you
for you,
would you say yes

If I wrote you a song
and performed it in front of the school
for you,
would you say yes

If I made you a cake
and engraved my best memory of just you and i,
for you,
would you say yes

if I devoted everything I had
day after day to thee
for you,
would you say yes

If I cut my heart out
and sealed it in a box doomed to lay there
only for you,
would you say yes

if I promised to watch the ocean and its dead
for years on end just to see you once
for you,
would you say yes

If I did everything
and anything you could've asked
for you,
would you say yes

if I did it all and only asked but one question would your answer still stand still
leaving me cold in the dirt drowned in the rain froze ill
empty on one night left for joy to take and kill
but burned by the reality of the answers and your will

if I could be who you wanted me to
what would you say

all I needed is your yes and one night to make your best
I would've taken your test, whatever it may be
but yet the night I needed it most, you still said no to thee.

The author's comments:
Denied for prom. no further explanation needed.

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