dealing with animals | Teen Ink

dealing with animals

July 2, 2013
By shadow16. GOLD, Charleston, South Carolina
shadow16. GOLD, Charleston, South Carolina
12 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
you live and learn, but learn when the love is gone.

whooing with owls
will have you howling with the wolves
soaring with the eagles
will make you the little birddy that could
but walking with the humans
will only make you wish death
but love life
so you'll cope and enjoy the rest.

sleeping with the dogs
will have you wake up with the fleas
cuddling with cats
will bring you to your knees
but down deep you love it
because that ground is so wet and warm
the only better feeling is the sky
and the sounds of the storm.

loving like the doves
will make you a heartless snake
but hunting like a shark
will only make you the bait
and your moment will disappear
and love just be another whisper in your ear
while down deep you know you wish
wish you would've fished, and earned that kiss.

walking like a shadow
will have you end up like me
poetic justice has no mercy on thee
and your existance is free
but the worlds kindness is a cost you must pay
so you must be willing to sacrifice and kill
like an animal will.

the words are just the truth
and memories of the things I feel
sorry for the things I've done
and that's the deal
because never right my wrongs
unless I write them down for real.

The author's comments:
this piece is more about people than animals but there all the same anyways.

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