Vows to an unborn child | Teen Ink

Vows to an unborn child

July 2, 2013
By sunami_attack BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
sunami_attack BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

To the baby that has not been born yet, but I know will come at the correct time,

I promise to take care of you while you are in my belly.
I promise to keep myself together while you are in my belly.
I promise to stay with the same man, the one that made you.
I promise to put my full effort into making sure you are healthy
when you are born.
When you are born, I promise to make sure your father has a job.
I promise to give my full attention to you when you are in need.
I promise to make sure you are happy.
I promise to give you food, and bathe you.
I promise to learn how to change a diaper, because you will
be my first.
I promise to make an effort to finish high school, or at
least get my G.E.D. so that I could afford a job to take care
of you.
I promise that your father, Marlon Tramaine M., will be the best
possible father he could be.

We will love you, no matter what.

Love, your parents to be,
Marlon Tramaine M. & Wednesday Enya L.

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