Unattainable Desire | Teen Ink

Unattainable Desire

July 1, 2013
By CallMeMaevey BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
CallMeMaevey BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
To study the abnormal is the best way of understanding the normal. - by James, William.

Darkness, but pleasant. A light flickers from afar and it grows into
A vivacious, wild flame that is impossible to ignore. The beautiful chaos is
Now within arm’s reach and with every fiber of your being you try to resist
The temptation to stroke the orange wisps that you know will burn your skin.
But the inferno transforms into a four-legged beast of the woodlands. Its eyes,
Those of hunters and not of the hunted, penetrate yours and the thoughts and emotions
On the surface. Innermost ideas and unuttered secrets chill the spine and escape
With a forceful gust of flame through your mouth, and the beast breathes it all in,
Gently and slowly, through its black nostrils.
It knows.
Exposed, you run to the animal for shelter, security. Hide behind and stroke its thick, dark hide. Destiny
Tells you to jump onto the back of the beast. Bequeath your vision to the blind because you do not
Need it with this god. Ride, blinded, through the woods on the beast and know that it will deliver you
Safely where you were meant to be. Complete
You leap to mount this Moses of animals but meet an invisible, impenetrable force. Your
Hand draws up to stroke the icy, transparent barrier. On the other side of the glass, the
Beast transforms back into fire and appears next to you, within reach.
Trapped. The glass forms a cube around you. Heat. Blistering heat. Suffocating...but you save yourself.
After all, from the beginning, you just needed to stomp out the flame.

The author's comments:
Whether it's a certain person, body image, or material object, we all want things that we can't have, and as a result we put ourselves through much unnecessary emotional stress. I believe that a lot of our suffering comes from desire, and that relationship is what I was trying to represent- in an abstract way- here. Enjoy, or not. It's up to you.

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