The First Encounter | Teen Ink

The First Encounter

June 19, 2013
By ckhorse SILVER, Mesa, Arizona
ckhorse SILVER, Mesa, Arizona
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A friend is someone who walks in on you when the rest of the world walks out.

I remember when I peddled
The bike ever so hard
Trying to keep up with the pressing pace
Of my brother and sister, Spencer and Holly.
They whizzed on forward
Riding the racing tandem
I whined enough to trade Holly
I was on back pushing along.
Spencer got a call
My job was to answer.

I remember that was the first time
I heard his voice
We then arrived at Fitch Park
I figured he was older, maybe four years...
With time I'd learn there was only a slight difference.
We played racquetball.
It was the first time I'd heard my laugh for awhile
It'd been a long week. No year.
So many family problems
Topped off with my own.

I remember when I sat against the wall
Listening to 'Complicated' by Avril Lavigne.
He came down and plopped beside me
Laughing and immediately singing along.
I felt carefree again. I felt safe again.
He invited me to drive his old white mustang
Stick shift... Oh man I thought
I'd just got my permit a week before.
But really. Who knew he'd be the guy
To turn my life around.

The author's comments:
I will never forget the day a boy entered my life to change me for the better. He has become my best friend and my go to. Whether it be cars, guys, problems or emotions, he is there for me.

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