Scrolling Through Emotions | Teen Ink

Scrolling Through Emotions

June 18, 2013
By Jordan-Tyler GOLD, Worcester, Massachusetts
Jordan-Tyler GOLD, Worcester, Massachusetts
16 articles 6 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be yourself and you can be anything
Inspiration is a big thought that can come from little ideas.

A banshee in the shadows, a mouse in the open. So many words still left unspoken.
Two half's of a whole separated further more. If only one was brave enough to walk through the open door.
Thoughts still lingering from a long time ago. Are starting to melt faster than the winter snow.
An organ never meant to do anything but beat. Because of a new purpose, has taken the back seat.
Secrets thought to be hidden are out in the open. All unknown feeling that you have awoken.
A word found united us. Which turned a may, into a must.
You tease, I talk, You laugh, I stop.
Fear is in the way. Shining brighter than a summer ray.
Things said indirectly through another source. Without it there is no other course.
All though we tease, laugh and play. The place where we are is not okay.
All though it scares me more than hell. Its in your arms I want to dwell.
In this poem I am pouring my heart out. More than words I've said through my mouth.
I doubt you'll read this, for in truth you are a fool. Which sadly is one of the reasons I'm drawn to you.
I must end this poem even though I have much more to say. Heavily on my heart will your name forever lay.

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