Dreams | Teen Ink


June 9, 2013
By ofrost BRONZE, St. Paul, Minnesota
ofrost BRONZE, St. Paul, Minnesota
3 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Dreams are an amazing thing, they give us hope when we feel like nothing is left, they prop us back up when we are down. They tell a story of how we believe our life should be. Dreams show us a way that we could live, like a road map to the future. They give us this amazing world where everything is as it should be. Even when the dream is a fantasy, something that could never happen in our world, dreams give us another world to live in. Because of my dreams I have lived a thousand lives, been to the most enchanting places, and opened my eyes to a whole new world. One Dream can change a person's life just by closing their eyes and being amazed by their dream.

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