The Rain | Teen Ink

The Rain

June 15, 2013
By soodie95 SILVER, New Delhi, Other
soodie95 SILVER, New Delhi, Other
5 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Failure is the best teacher."

I sit outside,
And gaze at the daunting sky,
Smeared with bits of rusty orange,
So high;
I close my eyes,
Take a deep breath,
And listen,
With patience at the stillness around me,
The whispers of the wind,
The sleepy breeze brushing my chin,
A slight rustle of leaves,
A slow splattering of water cocooning me,
A shiver down my spine,
My eyes open and I see,
Everything so clean,
As if the maker himself,
Decided to give us a visit,
To rid the world,
Of evil and despair,
Even if for a moment but who cares,
That's what the rain does my bubs,
So sit still and let it scrub,
All your worries and fears away,
Just sit outside,
And enjoy the rain my dears!

The author's comments:
A little of my first poems about rain.

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