Mac-n-Blah | Teen Ink


June 7, 2013
By AliviaCerny BRONZE, Metamore, Michigan
AliviaCerny BRONZE, Metamore, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Without a sense of purpose we are setting up to fail"

Your tubes of goo make me gag.
Orange dirt mixed with an alien substance--
That’s what you are.
Tempting people with a smile on your box,
You really just make me frown.
You call that cheese?
Ha! More like snail slime.
Chewy blah.
Leaving a rotten taste in my mouth,
You lack particles of this earth!
The “plop” is enough to make me hurl!
You’re the “Twilight” of pasta,
Lifeless and un-amusing
No real flavor,
Just disgust.
You belong in the fire,
Not the pot.
So, go drown yourself in that water you came from
And don’t bother to add the “cheese”

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