The Lampshade | Teen Ink

The Lampshade

June 11, 2013
By Jordyn Cohen SILVER, New City, New York
Jordyn Cohen SILVER, New City, New York
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The circling pattern spoke, convincing her, she must have it.
How could she let him stop her from getting it.
There it was, at rest on the side table next to her bed.
Vibrant colors, unique, hers.
She strived for something to be hers.

The complaining began.
Roaring like a giant, repeating himself

Placing her warm, sweaty hands over her nervous face
“Please,” she said, “Please.”
Too late.

She awoke, blinking over and over.
Foggy, blurry, blind?
Looking in the mirror, black and blue, her eye was swollen shut. Bruise.

The rest of her reflection did not show.
She could see right through herself
Like she was nothing

Packing her things
Looking over at her bed
There it will remain, the lampshade that was hers.

The author's comments:
I was given 3 words that had to be in the poem.
1. Lampshade
2. Bruise
3. Expensive

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