The Unknown | Teen Ink

The Unknown

June 11, 2013
By Jordyn Cohen SILVER, New City, New York
Jordyn Cohen SILVER, New City, New York
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Can’t you hear them in the distance
The smoke, the fire, the tears
We will always remember their existence

How can you stand their persistence
Turning dreams into fears
Can’t you hear them in the distance

So much of the many withstand the resistance
Some may never meet, others it will take years
We will always remember their existence

God is no longer present for assistance
The defeated cries and hears
Can’t you hear them in the distance

Transports, outdistance
The yellow star, why so sheer
We will always remember their existence

Was this all done for their insistence
Terribly alone in the world nears
Can’t you hear them in the distance
We will always remember their existence

The author's comments:
This is a villanelle poem about the Holocaust.

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