An invitation | Teen Ink

An invitation

June 11, 2013
By Rozzea SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
Rozzea SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I want to invite you
All the dreamers
And the believers
All the writers
And the artist
To my house of imagination
My house of life and light
Let your creativity out
Let your love be felt
Find your place in the world.

I want to invite you
All the sorrowful
And the broken
All the lost
And the forgotten
Come to my house of healing
Relight the fire within you
Find your love and remember all the good things
Feel the warmth of the love of others
Remember your place in the world.

I want to invite you
All the joyful
And the happy
All the ones who love
And the one who haven’t lost
To my house of warmth
Live in peace and keep feeling
Even if it may be hard
Understand the happiness you bring
Keep your place in the world.

I want to invite you
All the God lovers
And the faithful
All the religious
And the righteous
To my house of understanding
Remember to listen to others
Don’t stay in the past
Keep believing even if it is hard sometimes
Keep seeing the love around you
Believe in your place in the world.

I want to invite you
All the outcasts
And the ones looked down on
All the unwanted
And the unbelieving
To my house of acceptance
Find your way
Understand yourself and others
Remember the only way to be accepted
Is to accept yourself
Remember that there is always someone
That is like you
You are never alone
You will find a place in the world.

I want to invite you
All the look downers
And the higher ups
All the “better people”
And the bosses
To my house of reality
Remember that the little voices matter
Listen to the ones that truly live in this world
Don’t brush people off like they don’t matter
That will only bring you down
Work for your place in the world.

I want to invite you all
To my house of humanity
To my house of peace and forgiveness
Remember that we are all humans
We may not all be the same
But that’s what makes us great
Remember that we need each other
To be able to stand
We cannot stand alone
We all have a place in this world.

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