High School is Absurd | Teen Ink

High School is Absurd

May 29, 2013
By JanetNguyen BRONZE, Chaska, Minnesota
JanetNguyen BRONZE, Chaska, Minnesota
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

High school is absurd

There are kids who fall asleep

With textbooks by their heads
Their pillow cradling the both of them
There are kids who became identifiable

By the dark bags under their eyes
From late stays at the library
And long nights of studying

There are kids that work unrelentingly

To get good grades

But good grades and a perfect GPA

Don’t mean as much today

As they did 20 years ago
And those kids are spending what little free time they have
In old people’s homes, hospitals, and picking up trash on the side of the road
Doing more clubs than they would like to be doing
Playing more sports than they would like to be playing

There are kids who have to refuse going out to the movies with friends
Because they’ve got “some studying to do”
Imagine how many times those kids have said “sorry, not tonight”
Before their friends stopped asking at all
And they say that high school’s a time to find one’s self
To have fun and enjoy adolescence
Even though not all kids are party-goers or social butterflies
It seems like they’re are the only ones people talk about
So this is to all of those kids
Who are trying to stay awake tonight
Who are living on coffee and hopes and dreams and goals
Who are studying away their youth

The author's comments:
I wrote this one night after I had finished studying and realized that it was a Friday night.

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