Lonely. | Teen Ink


May 19, 2013
By ToWarmSands GOLD, Hickory, North Carolina
ToWarmSands GOLD, Hickory, North Carolina
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"But no matter how hard you try- surrounded by cannon fodder inundated with stagnant sound."

I hate her.
Yet I’m drunk on her.
I currently have a 1.08
Emotional loneliness level.
She is embedded in my bones,
Ingrained in my veins,
Branded onto my heart.
I want to tear away from her,
But her’s is the only embrace
I know.
I desperately want to hear someone else’s voice,
But Lonely’s whispers
Are all I hear.
How I desire to fall asleep with someone by my side
And how frightened I am
To see the emptiness there
That is Lonely.
I’ve tried to cheat on her
Strike up conversation
With Company.
But a jealous maiden
Lonely is,
And I’m pretty sure Company
Is not interested in my presence anyway.
Though, I always have Loneliness.
She has never forsaken me.
And while she’s not the best
At wiping away tears,
I can go to bed each night
Assured that I will wake up
To a bed just as empty
And insides just as desolate
As when I closed my eyes.
Hopefully she doesn’t know the dreams I have.
The ones of Friendship,
And Sex.
Because a jealous maiden
Lonely is,
And I can’t afford to lose her
When all those dreams are
Is fantasy.

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