Living | Teen Ink


May 22, 2013
By KaitoKid98 SILVER, Hampden, Maine
KaitoKid98 SILVER, Hampden, Maine
7 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. ~MLKJ

What is living?

Living is being able to go anywhere with no worries, to the library to read,
A corner store for a bottle of pop, or the pharmacy to get a ice cream cone.
Walking to the arcade to play Donkey Kong and Pacman
Or listen to Chubby Checker on a jukebox, all with a simple dime or quarter.

Living is eating a grill cooked burger with home fries, void of grease
On a hot Sunday afternoon
Slurping a thick chocolate shake
Served by a sassy poodle skirted waitress named June.

Living is dancing with yourself in the mirror
To records or 8-tracks playing the Beatles or the Sugarhill Gang
Maybe sitting by the poolside, feet in water
Listening to the phonograph play.

Living is girls turning ropes to Double Dutch
Chanting Miss Mary Mac, jumping and laughing
While little brothers forced to come
Trade 10¢ bubblegum cards on the sidelines.

Living is reading Sunday comics
Having wit and hilarious punch lines
Without using drugs or alcohol,
Vulgarity or sex.

But overall, living is having family and friends,
People who care about you, love you for who you are
The good and the bad,
Staying with you through thick and thin.

Living, living to me is loving what you got.

The author's comments:
I really really like the vintage stuff, the 50's. it really intrigues me and I hope this is a blessing to the people who lived it and even to the people who haven't.

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