It doesnt matter (beautiful) | Teen Ink

It doesnt matter (beautiful)

May 21, 2013
By Kairii BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
Kairii BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
if being proud of what i do and my art makes me an ego maniac than in that respect, you can call me that. - John lennon
So heres your song its twisting me, Id do anything to make you scream. -mayday parade-

Close your eyes, Yes close them. Block out the light, and with that? The bad thoughts to such a point that the past doesn’t even matter anymore. So that nobody can tell what happened to you. IT. DOESN’T. MATTER. We All have secrets I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours. It’s not a hard thing to say nor a bad place to be… to fall in love may be the only way out for some of us. The only way to see the light is to bask in the candle light of another person’s love, the only way to know your heart is to accept theirs in your own and the only way to let the past relish in its own..? Tell them the entire story, blood and all. The only way to be yourself is to know who you are and the only way to know your self is to love it all.
So what the hell if you aren’t perfectly unscathed? If your wedding dress won’t be white? If your scars, they aren’t really from a cat? If your heart wasn’t intact before the break? If your first wasn’t your idea? It doesn’t matter to the love of your life. They know the good and the bad and accept the both. They see the scars and kiss them with love, they hear the past and hold you and promise it’ll never happen again, so why..? if they can love you why can’t you love yourself? What happens if you hold it all in? when your alone will you break down? In a blackness will you rebuild? Or will your brain keep replaying that night when you were at your darkest and no one can take it back?? Not even yourself can close it up? What happens when all you are is a bad memory? And a good idea? You may be a good idea but a faulty reality…. The past is nothing. Tell them and accept who you really are…Beautiful. You’re perfect and kind, and charming, and loved. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. I know how to love you so you can learn to.

The author's comments:
I wrote this because im tired of beautiful people, thinking that there anything less than.

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This article has 2 comments.

on May. 25 2013 at 12:42 pm
I love it 

on May. 25 2013 at 12:36 pm
oh my gosh. I cried this is so touching i cant believe it! this made my day a thousand times better!!!!