And Then | Teen Ink

And Then

May 15, 2013
By Abby Donato BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
Abby Donato BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You had a world that looked like light.
A yogurt colored sky.
Every breath had to be laughter
It had to be.
Everyday had to be an elegant start.
It was the longings of a tortured believer.
They were sick for what you had.
She had to be beautiful
She had to be an imagination come true.
It was nice.
So nice.
Because you were the nicest thing.

Then there was the dream.
Gasping for the longing
The truth.
Hidden torture beneath the depths of hope.
Deep, deep hope.
Who doesn’t want love?
Love, love. Pure love.
It’s utterly pathetic.
God created us to desire desire.

But desire was far, Far
Away from me.
Under than yogurt colored sky.
The lips that felt like roses.
The normality that felt like bliss.
The sweetness feeling like forever.
The steps taken felt like strong old wooden trees.
I dream of nothing but strong
Wooden trees.
I dream of nothing
but of the steps you take.

Then there’s that dream again.
Soft high slow sweet melodies
Floating through my head and my sole and breathe out my mouth.
Curl itself around my spine.
I want it to be mine
I want you to be mine.
It becomes mine.
My eyes can only see the dark maroon
I can only see the leaves falling off the trees in the fall.
Beyond the rolling hills in Maryland.
One day I will go there.
And then the laughter there taunts me
Yet soothes me
With deep, dark hope.
The laughter.
I can hear it
In those dreams.
In the music
In the soft sweet melody
It’s under that yogurt colored sky.
And it all came down for you.
And maybe some for me.
It’s in my throat now.
And I can feel the roses
When your heart jumps through your shirt.

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