Wonder | Teen Ink


May 14, 2013
By ShadowSheWolf GOLD, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
ShadowSheWolf GOLD, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes I wonder about the sun
It rises whether I want it to or not
It sets
And brings the night
How can something so bright allow something so dark?
So then I wonder about the moon
The sun’s opposite, the pale, icy sister to the fiery radiance
She shows her face and hides it each month
And this makes me wonder to myself:
Are they like me?
With this, I wonder about the day
The time of bright warmth
Fresh breezes and smells of summer
The day is best in the hot months
Not so much when it is cold
Which makes me wonder about winter
Freezing and cruel, laughing with hard humor at the struggles to survive
And I wonder:
Nature isn’t so different from all of us, is it?

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 20 2013 at 11:20 am
SteelersJdog GOLD, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
15 articles 0 photos 29 comments
Fantastic work. The subtle and accurate comparisons really serve this poem well. I love how you give each entity a unique personality which goes with the comparison of these objects to people. It personifies the poem and makes it much easier to connect to. Great work, the best poem that I've read on here in a while.