Dear life | Teen Ink

Dear life

May 4, 2013
By Shellz585 SILVER, Newark, New Jersey
Shellz585 SILVER, Newark, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dreams are like the twin towers

Dear life I feel like I'm in the carribbean sea and I'm drowning deep I can't breath. I try my best to grasp air sometimes I feel like I'm on land and I can breath again. I found myself in water drowning again I'm so cold I'm fighting so hard to come up and I'm screaming but no one can hear me. I'm thinking why they take him away we need him now I'm drowning its to much pressure I don't have any help to save me. I'm thinking how can I survive without him here I can't take it. I want everything to stop I want to breath I want the pain, the pressure of life to just stop. While I'm down here in the bottom of the Caribbean seas I'm searching for sunlight with all the energy in my body I'm becoming weak,sad and angry. I see! A glimpse of sunlight! Maybe there's hope for me to be happy for the pressure to go away I become at peace and I has smile for a second. I then ask myself how have I survived why I don't want to go through this anymore. I feel myself in the sea again down bottom and I scream and scream tears rolling down my face like rain trying to release everything I feel inside pain, anger, sadness and pressure. I stop and become paralyzed I look directly up at the sky and I let myself rest and let my mind clear and I take a deep breath in and out. I stop fighting and I think everything gone be ok and I'm on land again I feel warm maybe i was drowning today but tomorrow a new day.

The author's comments:
I wrote this peace because this is my life and how I feel but also because in life we can feel like we in a sea drowning so deep trying to gasp air. This piece tells you that even though we can't take life and all the pressure that there is hope and you can find light just breath in and out.

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