Purple Haze of a Cupcake | Teen Ink

Purple Haze of a Cupcake

May 2, 2013
By PoetryPassion BRONZE, Providence, Rhode Island
PoetryPassion BRONZE, Providence, Rhode Island
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Purple haze of a cupcake
Spots of icing like fireworks on a canvas..
It reminds me of the sweetness of lace
and ribbons
The chalk on the sidewalk
coughing up dust
The dust like taking that first bite
Surrounding you with innocent sweetness
And-as you take that - first bite
Your eyes light up
like a child at play
The excitement of purple dust exploding all around you.

Purple haze of a cupcake
do you come from the land of milk mustaches and sundaes,
of tulle and barbie dolls?
Knotted hair, but who cares?
But sadly you're so delicate-not as carefree as you seem-
Hush, hush, don't fall apart!
Where's all that purple innocence?...
(Now that purple icing can no longer disguise you)
Now that happy piano music, the melody of a dreamer
has become deep and somber.

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