The Bear | Teen Ink

The Bear

April 29, 2013
By Sarah Sedola PLATINUM, Zion, Illinois
Sarah Sedola PLATINUM, Zion, Illinois
29 articles 5 photos 1 comment

There once was a bear
This bear had many, many fears
Because, this world, is filled with SO many tears.
He tried, tried, and tried
Not to be alone
But the loneliness remained
This bear’s only home.
Each day he became
More secluded, made of stone,
And it would stay this way
For as long as he’s alone.
Every night
He cried
The tears paint a picture of his sadness.
Look at this
This picture in the distance
It shows,
He is alone.
What is this?
It is a tree
And a bee’s nest
And a bee
Making honey!
The bear
Who smells the sweetness in the air
Knows this world, just is NOT fair
And doesn’t truly care.
SO, he goes to the tree
To befriend the bee
And get some honey.
The honey tastes so sweet
To my friend
The good ol’ bear,
He then wonders
Does anyone truly care?
Maybe do the bee’s
In the trees?
Oh please,
Pretty please,
Help my friend the bear,
To see

The author's comments:
I believe that this poem could mean anything to anyone. That's what I meant it to be. I want so many different types of people to be able to relate to this poem in many different ways.

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