I Miss You | Teen Ink

I Miss You

April 28, 2013
By TheDarknessBehindThisPlasticSmile GOLD, Londonderry, New Hampshire
TheDarknessBehindThisPlasticSmile GOLD, Londonderry, New Hampshire
15 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't try, just be yourself. And if it isn't good wnough for whomever you were trying for, they aren't good enough for you."

I still remember your death.
The last thing I saw you do was smile, teary-eyed.
You were mouthing for me to run.
We both knew you were going to die.
That's when the pain started

You wanted me safe
You loved me.
I love you, not past tense.
I miss you.

I watched the car explode.
I tried to scream.
But the world was silent after the boom.
You were gone.

I have nightmares about it.
I still cry.
It's hard losing someone I loved
I love

Why did you have to die?
I'm scared more, now.
I get hurt.
I hurt.
I want you and need you
Now more than ever.

I miss you.
You saved me from everyone.
Including myself.
Now I get used.
You stood up for me.

I miss you
I love you.
Why can't dead be zombies?
Resurrection should work.
Why do the good die young?

You're my guardian angel now
I still don't see you,
Can't bring myself to see your grave
But I love you.
I miss you.
Keep me safe. I'll be with you soon

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