From Mute to Blind | Teen Ink

From Mute to Blind

April 19, 2013
By AWonders GOLD, Johnstown, Pennsylvania
AWonders GOLD, Johnstown, Pennsylvania
18 articles 1 photo 2 comments

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Problems are like the Ghosts from Mario, if you don't face them, they tend to follow you...

You know those situations.
With things that aren't yours to say.
But they rattle you to your core.
They make your smile fade.

You aren't the one who should be upset.
But despite what you know.
It's like watching the fire.
And being burned by the glow.

The words you can't seem to utter.
The secret isn't yours to share.
It's tough to receive solace.
When no one sees a problem there.

How can the mute make them understand.
If the audience can not see.
How can the audience hear the words.
If the speaker can not speak.

Do you have a friend who's quiet.
Always keeps their poker face.
You want to ask and try to help.
But you wonder if it's your place.

They act as though they're happy.
They seem to be doing alright.
But your unease will never cease.
Because you can see the pain in their eyes.

It's probably none of your business.
If they wanted to talk then they would.
You pretend not to see anything.
You act as you should.

How can the mute talk to the blind.
There is no help if you pretend everything's fine.
They won't see the tears if you don't sound the cry.
How do the mute talk to the blind.

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