All Are Wanted | Teen Ink

All Are Wanted

April 17, 2013
By FeatherNae GOLD, Dyersburg, Tennessee
FeatherNae GOLD, Dyersburg, Tennessee
16 articles 0 photos 2 comments

You walk around always by yourself, don't know where to go or why you left, rumors go around you feel unloved, your parents would call you the unwanted, you left long ago with tears in your eyes, you got fed up with all the lies, now you're gone and all alone, I bet it's hard on your own, your parents hardly notice you're not there,, you say to yourself "I knew they didn't care" you long to go back, to be a family, but if you do you'll just get a beating, you choose to stay out on the streets, down on your knees you pray for peace, through all the pain you still have faith? how's your heart not filled with hate? there's a smile on your face but down flows tears, I don't understand, what's happening here? you realize you're wanted, you know you're loved, as you finally listen to your father up above, you hear the words "don't worry, I'm right by your side I've carried you all through these miles, you're not alone, I'll help you out, keep your faith and have no doubt, keep a smile on your face, because you are wanted in this place" your head comes down as the sun shines bright, this day on you give him your life.

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