Finish Line | Teen Ink

Finish Line

April 16, 2013
By chrissychris2270117 SILVER, Flushing, New York
chrissychris2270117 SILVER, Flushing, New York
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"There is always going to be thunder, lightning and rain it just matters how you use your umbrella to get to that rainbow."

It was a free day,
when my feet felt like they were gliding on the ground,
I made repeatedly strokes with my legs,
trying to make it to thst finish line,

The crowd cheering my number,
and the wind breeze in my face,
I was unstoppable,
I was just about to cross the finish line,

when I heard a random tickering of a clock,
I thought it was my brain telling me it's just about there,
but then I saw a rush of smoke everywhere in sight,

A burst of red mixed with orange colors,
blended in my mind, and eyes,
I took a step quickly,
not knowing where to go,
when I met a burst of flame in my face.

I became no more...
I didn't know if I won that race,
but the only thing that mattered that day,
isn't if I won that race,
it's if I wasn't apart of the world when I finished.

The author's comments:
The Boston Bombed during the race at the finish line yesterday April 15th 2013. Our country has been bombed three times now. Many people are blaming an idiotic American. But, majority of teens including me are pointing our fingers at North Korea. They warned us they were going to bomb us. The worst part is they say New York is next.

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