Love You Anyway | Teen Ink

Love You Anyway

April 15, 2013
By TearsofJesus GOLD, Knoxville, Tennessee
TearsofJesus GOLD, Knoxville, Tennessee
11 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I don't love you because you're beautiful. You're beatiful because I love you."
"I'm human so I must be labeled"

You look in my eyes but I just want to leave this place
I beg, "Please don't throw this back in my face"
"What do you mean" you ask
I  answer "I have a secret to admit ok
I am in love with you
But I know you don't feel the same
And its like a knife being plunged in my heart
You're dating all these sleezy girls who don't care about you
They are turning you into something you're not
And you can't even see how beautiful you are
Or how much I'm wanting you
It hurts so bad to even be around you
But I could never walk away
I would never give up the time I have with you
How could I stand to lose you
You mean everything to me
Someone like you is hard to find
I'm okay with being just friends
As long as you don't walk away from me
But you've known it all along so why do you keep stringing me along like a puppet?
You knew how I felt and you chose her over me
You knew my heart was shattered but you played with the pieces
You say you feel the same way so why aren't we together?
Just tell me if I'm being ridiculous so I can go home and cry
Cuz no matter the pain you put me through I can never say goodbye
You're never gonna feel the same way
But I still love you anyway"
I hold my breath and wait to see what you say
You shake your head and turn to leave
I knew this was a secret I needed to keep
As the first tear falls, I awake from my dream

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