My grandmother`s voyage | Teen Ink

My grandmother`s voyage

April 15, 2013
By snowjoe SILVER, Agoura Hills, California
snowjoe SILVER, Agoura Hills, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My Grandmothers heritage

Free from red and black chains
Across the sea she set forth
Curious, as to what would be her new name
A clean slate?
Or a past which she could not escape
She had seen humans suffer
Had witnessed what humans would do to escape hunger
Had watched humans transform into blonde brutes; In the quest, for
The start of a new dawn, a new age?
Liberty stared down, daunting, against the sky of gray
A man told her they would soon be docked
She stared
The sloshing
Engines that forever ran
Turned off
Passengers unloaded
She followed

The author's comments:
When asked to write a poem for school regarding my heritage, I immediately chose to write about my grandmother fleeing from Austria to America during World War Two. Her voyage was so appealing to write about because I personally was so interested in the emotions a fourteen year old girl must feel when literally starting her life completely anew.

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