My Dear Love | Teen Ink

My Dear Love

April 11, 2013
By Summergirl2963 GOLD, Mason, Ohio
Summergirl2963 GOLD, Mason, Ohio
15 articles 0 photos 5 comments

You left me a note on the kitchen counter
Leaving me an empty feeling
I start pacing up and down in my bedroom
How I wish you'd come home to me
I cry myself to sleep
The days drag on
You never show up
Will you ever come back?
I stare at the ceiling wondering late into the night
the flowers on our table withers dies
The bread in the bread box grows mold
And the cheese in the fridge ages
The pain in my heart is sharp
Even as I grow tired of waiting
For the memories we shared
All the fun times we spent together
Talking and laughing
Disapearing;out of sight
Only memories that remain

How I wish you'd show up outside my door
With your lovely smile
Your warm cuddly hugs
All the dreams I cannot reach
If only I had a chance to be with you one last time
To have time to say goodbye
Yet you vanish through the days
Leaving me behind in puddles of tears
Will you ever come home to me?

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