The Beauty Of A Weakness | Teen Ink

The Beauty Of A Weakness

April 4, 2013
By Jordan-Tyler GOLD, Worcester, Massachusetts
Jordan-Tyler GOLD, Worcester, Massachusetts
16 articles 6 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be yourself and you can be anything
Inspiration is a big thought that can come from little ideas.

Cant look your greatest fear in the eye,
Yet visualize it all the while,
Never can speak the secret to fear,
But dream of the day fear discovers,
Won't face fear,
But fear faces the victim,
Fear is the death penalty,
But is also the ticket to true happiness,
Fear has searched for the true identity,
But the identity stays hidden,
Friends love the fear,
But the heart loves it more,
Fear is everywhere to be looked, grabbing to take the soul,
Run is all that can be done, while the soul secretly weeps,
Fear is not a thing, Fear is not in your mind,
Fear is a person who will forever strike fear in the heart,
Fear will read this poem that reveals all,
And not know it's own identity.

Fear is not hate, fear is not hell,
Fear is and always will be a torturing love, and the true beauty of a weakness.

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