Daddy | Teen Ink


April 3, 2013
By Writers_Soul SILVER, Lake, Michigan
Writers_Soul SILVER, Lake, Michigan
7 articles 5 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There are so many that I can't choose one :P

Hey Daddy,
I woke up real early
Like when I was little Daddy

I woke up and ran from my room Daddy
Taking a peek out the window
Looking at the snow Daddy

For once I was happy Daddy.
I looked around the living room
Looking for our tree Daddy.

Our Christmas tree Daddy.
The one the presents were under
The presents we bought with love Daddy,

Like the ornaments I used to make from glitter and pipe cleaners every year Daddy
Do you remember those?
You used to tell me that they were your favorite ornaments, from your favorite girl and place them in the front of the tree Daddy

I stared in awe Daddy.
About the way they glistened in the glow of the lights.
They were beautiful Daddy

I couldn't find the tree this year Daddy.
I couldn't find the presents we bought with love.
I couldn't see the way my ornaments glowed against the lights Daddy.

That's when I realized Daddy
You weren't here.
That's when I realized you went away for the holiday Daddy

Hey Daddy,
I know mommy passed away and you got real sad,
I did too Daddy.

I know I reminded you of her Daddy.
Our hair the same dark rose color and the same glisten in our eyes.
I'm sorry Daddy

I know you're lonely Daddy
And you hurt real deep inside
I do too Daddy

Hey Daddy,
Did you realize when you lost mommy,
You also left me behind too Daddy.

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