Dreams | Teen Ink


April 2, 2013
By Qwop-O BRONZE, Trophy Club, Texas
Qwop-O BRONZE, Trophy Club, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

We walk down the sidewalk with hope, as if maybe the next day we won't be walking down that sidewalk. We dream we won't walk down that sidewalk alone again. We believe that that is all it takes. Most people dream the same dream, but only because not everyone can walk down the worlds best sidewalk with the most amazing spouse. We dream to be better than the world itself. We fear being unable to do so. That fear derives itself from hard work, from real payoffs, from earning what you want. We wish to skip the hard part that we are afraid to face. Nightmares are filled with illegitimacy and arrogance. Indeed, if everyone's  nightmares came true, there could be chaos, but if everyone's dream came true, we would want our nightmares back. 

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