What is Time? | Teen Ink

What is Time?

March 23, 2013
By AWonders GOLD, Johnstown, Pennsylvania
AWonders GOLD, Johnstown, Pennsylvania
18 articles 1 photo 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Problems are like the Ghosts from Mario, if you don't face them, they tend to follow you...

Time is but a mystery
A foreign concept to us all
Some claim it a gift we each have
But is it really ours at all?

Perhaps you are a hopeful
Believes time makes us who we’ll be
Forgive and forget to make amends
Only time differs you from me

Say you call Church your home
Time a gift from God on high
But then why no sooner do we meet
Only to have to say goodbye

Now maybe you’re a skeptic
And think there is no point in time
Living a limited life on Earth
Why waste it asking why

But you’ve completely missed the notion
That it isn’t ours to keep
it is not owned but merely loaned
Spent on happiness we seek

From memories and plans
To dreams we try to live
Through smiles and tears, throughout the years
Time is but ours to give

The author's comments:
Random reflection on time.

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