Theme for English 110b | Teen Ink

Theme for English 110b

March 14, 2013
By KaitoKid98 SILVER, Hampden, Maine
KaitoKid98 SILVER, Hampden, Maine
7 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. ~MLKJ

My teacher said,

Write a one page poem

About yourself,

Let it be free

Let it be true.
This certainly wasn't simple.
Words to find, good ones
Words long and meaningful like
Wish to desire, like to adore.
Fifteen years although my face doesn't show it
Many don't believe it
Hair cut short and can't resist plaid
Some might say I'm weird.
I shun makeup and dresses
I adore anime and graphic novels
Reading, writing, drawing
I'm amazed of what comes from my hands.
I'm vintage to the core
Not a day goes by that my brain doesn't
Make the scene before me '50's.
A skater girl, I do it all, many scars come from this though.

Singing keeps me going.

Close my eyes?
I see nothing
A black void
A colorless drape.
But my other senses are heightened, I hear voices
Color? Religion? I haven't a clue.
My only thoughts is that they are a person,
A person worth getting to know, building up, not tearing down.
I hope, no I wish, I dream
That someday
People can see others through closed eyes
And open ears.
You're a girl? I love your smile.
You're a boy? I love your laugh.
Your black? Who cares. Your white? I can't tell.
We are Americans.

It's 'bout time we act like it.

This is my poem for English 110b.

The author's comments:
I loved Langston Hughes' poem, Theme for English B, so I decided to do a poem that used his poem style and had a similar feel to it. So Langston Hughes inspired me. I hope that I can help people be skin colorblind.

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