March 13, 2013
By nightseeker SILVER, Elkins, Arkansas
nightseeker SILVER, Elkins, Arkansas
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Life is a puzzle we're meant to put together. i said screw it and just glued the pieces together."

Do you really not know how I feel?
Can you not see the pain I am hiding be hide my smile. Are my lies really that good that no one knows the pain is there?
Can no one see through the lies and smiles to the pain it all? Can’t you see it in my eyes how it hurts to be near you and not have you see how I feel? I am not the best actor, but yet no one near me can see my pain. The lies are not that good and the smiles are false and stiff. But still a mask covers up my pain, not wanting any one to see how I feel. The pains so bad now it’s all I can do not to scream. WHY CAN’T YOU SEE ME? I AM RIGHT HERE SCREAMING OUT IN PAIN. LOOK I AM RIGHT HERE. SEE ME AS ME. Does no one care about the way I feel?
When will I stop to feel the pain? Are you really that blind to how I feel? Does it not leak out in every thing I do? It wells up from a hidden spring in my heart. As I said I am not the best actor but right now it seems that I am the best I the world. My smile says I am fine while my eyes scream I am dying inside.
Little by little my heart is being chipped away until there’s nothing left but the pain. Can’t you see I am drowning in it? don’t you care about me? It’s to the point were I am begging the darkness to carry me away. WHY CAN’T YOU SEE ME??!!!!

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