I Am From | Teen Ink

I Am From

March 11, 2013
By RoniS BRONZE, Fountain, Colorado
RoniS BRONZE, Fountain, Colorado
2 articles 2 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Its easy to do nothing but, Its hard to forgive."

- Avatar Aang

I am from the northern plains, from fry bread and nights of dancing in beaded moccasins and gathering around a drum.
I am from the Triangular tipis, which are buffalo skin covered canvases that are warm for there is a fire lit inside
I am from the swaying buffalo grass the blood red choke cherries and the sugary sweet tasting grass.
I am from Storytelling and sacred ceremonies. From Sitting Bull and Sacajawea. I am from the Tunkasila of my people and the burning sage for smudging
From saying Toksha Ake Wacinyuanktin Ktelo and Mitakuye Oyasin after receiving something
I am from the smoking of the Chanupa, which everyone knows it as a Peace pipe
I'm from the pine ridge reservation, blue corn and the invention of pemmican
From the journey of Pocahontas to the massacre at Wounded Knee. I am from a rich culture that is still a huge mystery to most people.

The author's comments:
This piece is only one small part of a vast and rich culture that I am a part of. There are many things in my culture that people do not know of and are afraid. There is nothing wrong with the Native American Culture. This culture was here before other people decided to take it and change it.

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