God's Gift | Teen Ink

God's Gift

March 10, 2013
By KitKatKandyKole SILVER, Saint Peters, Missouri
KitKatKandyKole SILVER, Saint Peters, Missouri
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy"

An eternal life
awaits me.
The end
of my journey is near.
Treasures beyond the known
have my name engraved
with flawless fonts.

On this day,
when the world is blackened,
and music
is silenced,
my fears will
as the sky opens,
and a new bright form
glistens amidst
the snakes and vultures.

I will leave,
I will go
past the stars,
past the Milky Way.

I will arrive
at a destination
that I’ve only
tried to imagine.

Spring will be in season.
and lilies
will always bloom.

A holy roar
will erupt
in the form
of angelic voices
singing lyrical words
of righteousness.

Courage will be redefined
as I finally understand
the love
of my Creator.

The author's comments:
This was originally a poker poem for a creative writing piece. I wrote about my religion and how I picture the return of Christ.

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