My Sanity | Teen Ink

My Sanity

February 27, 2013
By Metaphoricgirl1112 GOLD, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Metaphoricgirl1112 GOLD, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live life to the fullest, or don't live at all"

You are my sunshine,
Bright And Hot,
Like summer days.
Warming my skin to a bronze.
Making my day glow and shimmer
With rays of love.

You are like a poem
So Genuine,
Bursting with perfection and
Intriguing words of
Heartfelt soulfulness.

You are freezing air to my lungs,
Like winter nights, Far below zero,
Clutching my oxygen,
Pulling it to infinity.
Leaving me
Gasping and Choking,
Adrenaline rushing through my body.
Then pulling me back,
Back to reality

You are music to my soul.
The steady rhythm,
In my mind of our
Fulfilling my hopes and dreams,
With thoughts of;
Intertwined with hugs and kisses
To my ears.
A comforting melody of
Encouragement and support
Through the darkness of my
My mother, my struggles, and

You are smells of Axe and Ed hardy
Sweet and fruity,
Flowing softly.
Wisping through the air
Tangling my senses
With, Luscious fragrances
Of Perfect lustfulness.

You are neon
A color of the light.
Shining in my heart.
A colorful signature on my mind
A piece of divine art.
Blinding me,
From all the bad.
Holding my gaze and
Like a strobe light in the dark.
Pulling me near.

You are my aid,
The bandages across my wounds;
Of mistaken steps
Of stupidity
The patches putting me back together.
Gripping tightly, to my aura.
A cast, shielding me from;
The fractures of life.
My savior, and
My hero.

You are diamonds,
A twinkle in my eye.
Light beaming from your essence;
Slightly presenting shimmering sparkles,
Of your perfectly cut edges.
A piece;
Of my life.
A remembrance of; I will and
An I do.
Worn forever with
Cherish and faith, for
You are my Love,
My caregiver while no one else;
My rescue, my forever
Indefinitely holding my hand;
Sweet embraces
Of honor and respect.
Forever I am yours,
And Always; You Are,

The author's comments:
This was to my boyfriend of 3 month for valentines day.

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