Life Values | Teen Ink

Life Values

February 26, 2013
By NatashaR PLATINUM, Lambert, Mississippi
NatashaR PLATINUM, Lambert, Mississippi
21 articles 1 photo 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
''You Need Help.''

There are many things in the world,
No one knows why they happen,
But when death arises,
Why does everyone seem to be lacking?

They lived their life with peace,
Hardly could tell that they have problems,
But when their in a corner crying their eyes out,
Why do other bother?

They've shown their strenght through the ceremony,
Why not let them be,
Instead of taunting them with memories,
That will leave them helplessly

The author's comments:
Everyone has had someone die in their family and when your trying to get over it, there are some people that call themselves helping but it only makes it worse.

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