My Sweet Lullaby | Teen Ink

My Sweet Lullaby

February 13, 2013
By PinkHorizons BRONZE, Centralia, Washington
PinkHorizons BRONZE, Centralia, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Happiness depends upon ourselves." ~ Aristotle

Sweet newborn, cry no more.
Let my arms wrap around your new sweet heart.
My love will be endless, you won’t be abandoned.
My voice will never stop, lullabies day and night will rejuvenate your little heart.
Sleep on blissful clouds all day long my sweet little one.

Sweet child, look at you now.
Growing up so fast,
My heart cried as you took your very first baby steps.
Dear God, Look at my child, see how beautiful my child’s grown?
Please, I beg of thee, protect my baby, don’t let the world ruin this little piece of me.

Sweet teen, you cry no more.
You’ve grown as stall as me, my arms barely close around you anymore.
Back and fourth you go, sometimes I feel so alone.
I still sing to you in the shadows, no need to hear me,
Just knowing your okay means the world to me.

Sweetheart, my sweet maiden.
Just the other night you grew older,
and now it’s time, down the isle you go, with your bright white light.
My, you’re an angel, walking down a path full of roses, not even the goddesses could compare.
One last time be my baby, for tomorrow you’ll go.

Sweet lady, my voice rings low,
but I’ve seen what a treasure you’ve grown,
Now you’ve brought life into this world with love and joy,
But now I’m afraid, this will be my last lullaby, but don’t cry.
Now, you be good alright? Yes, alright, I’ll sing once more,
My sweet lullaby.

My love is endless, she’ll outlive even death.
My voice will travel through time, embracing your every moment of life.
Sing my sweet lullaby, don’t let it die, pass this along, this sweet mother‘s song.
My arms will be your arms, my voice will be your voice, my eyes will be your eyes,
and don’t forget sweet child of mine,

That nothing ever dies.

The author's comments:
Dedicated to all mothers.

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