Alone in the mind | Teen Ink

Alone in the mind

February 20, 2013
By Mauraismyname BRONZE, Elkhorn, Nebraska
Mauraismyname BRONZE, Elkhorn, Nebraska
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We all try to insist that we know what others know
That blue is the same blue you all see
If we can hear we hear the same things
And if we both taste an apple it will taste the same
But we are alone in our minds
You in yours and me in mine
What if my red is your yellow
But we both call it red
How would I know what goes on in your head
Unless you can explain it to me
But you can’t ask a bird what flying feels like
You can’t ask a whale to explain the water
If it’s all they’ll ever know and there are no words to help
my red will always be your yellow
The lesser of our species will try to insist
That they share the same thoughts as a friend
But we, my colleagues, we know the truth
We are endlessly alone in ourselves
The touch of plastic might feel different to you
But how would you ever tell me
There are no words to construe
So your yellow will stay my red
And I will hole up in my mind
Trying to imagine a world where our colors
Are guaranteed to be the same
And trying to insist that I know what others know

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