Twinkle | Teen Ink


February 14, 2013
By superman-prime SILVER, Nashville, Tennessee
superman-prime SILVER, Nashville, Tennessee
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You drove me the craziest. So crazy in fact I stayed sane. There is a difference between crazy and insane and I would like to establish that now. Because I couldn't touch you I went crazy so I counted. 898,765,642,519,486. That's how many stars I've counted in my lifetime. And out of all of them I picked one. One in all the galaxies, one in all the universe. One that I would always love, and one that would always return the feelings. It would stay with me through every harsh time in my life. But one day, by the grace of God, you fell from your place among your sisters. Down, down, down you fell. But I noticed you were missing from the place I had looked upon so many times for comfort so I went searching for you. I searched heaven, hell and earth until I saw you plummeting to me from space. I watched as you fell, wishing upon you, hoping that one day you would be able to know how scared I was to lose the only stable thing in my life. I stood and decided to take action. I ran and ran to catch you but was just too late. I missed by only seconds. I crept down into your crater and looked upon you. My angel, my fallen star, the only glimmer of hope left in the world. I looked upon you then and bent down to cradle you in my arms.
"Twinkle for me my little star," I said unto you and thus you opened your eyes and looked upon me with those beautiful unforgiving eyes. I began to weep for fear that you would hate me, then I became angry for fear that you would hate me, but you just smiled.
"I love you" was the phrase floating in the air but I wasn't willing to say it for fear that you might leave. Well that and it didn't need to be said. So I just sat and held you. I stared into your eyes and then came the surprise of my life... You caressed my face and kissed my lips... As you pulled back you buried your head in my chest and giggled. I held on tighter wondering how I ever got so lucky to hold the only thing that would ever love me without fear.

The author's comments:
This was before I became a realistical cynic when i was a hopeless romantic

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