Speak | Teen Ink


February 1, 2013
By Crystal_Light SILVER, California, Pennsylvania
Crystal_Light SILVER, California, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The actions have definition, executed with precision
The flawlessness of your words must have taken several revisions
Its words speak louder to me than most others
Long and sweet, like the time between lovers
Vast amounts of wisdom to share with whoever will listen
It’s not necessarily what you say, but how you say it
Normally happy in tone, or serious in breath
It could be about sex or death
I don’t care
Just keep speaking dear, it's all I really want to hear
You speak words like books
When I listen I have to look
You have a story to share
Or some wisdom to bear
As long as it's in your voice
Listening will be my only choice
I could sit and listen all day long, sometimes I do
I never speak back to you
Your words are art, perfect from the start
So don’t stop speaking my dear, for you are all I want to hear.

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