The Silent Tear | Teen Ink

The Silent Tear

January 25, 2013
By NanoLA GOLD, Des Moines, Iowa
NanoLA GOLD, Des Moines, Iowa
11 articles 1 photo 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Meh heh........ -Chandler Bing
There is only one Monday this week.... -C. Bell

Death is the sign of life 
The soft, warm trickle of tear that slowly rolls down your face 
Death brings us together for one so strong who could no longer hold on
The feeling so deep that grips our soul, terrorizes our very being
Loved ones try to return to life, but memories flood back
Tears return to run down the pink, worn face of that who is weak 
These small, salty tears, affect the body 
Waiting to break down the strongest of all
Even the strong have weak points
And the silent tear, waits to fall 

The author's comments:
I express how I truly feel in my poetry.

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