For the Love of Fear | Teen Ink

For the Love of Fear

January 21, 2013
By KiiWii SILVER, Forest, Mississippi
KiiWii SILVER, Forest, Mississippi
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

See love as a mystery because of her unknown identity. Slow to speak but quick to listen, the chatter of love is all around her but she is still trapped in silence. A victim of homicide killed by fear or is it just love suicide? Loving others more than herself, for her love had no meaning, she was possessed by a muscular fear. From within love, love never seen happiness paralyzed from heart to soul. Her fear was all she knew, for fear was her first and only love. Love knew not of her own identity for love was misunderstood, and broken. Love wanted a way out from fear but fear threaten death as her only option. Loves identity became bitter. The horror of fears obsession, tormented love constantly that fear made her blind to the peace of happiness. Love was broken, a homicide victim ripped from her true meaning. Seeking her desperate escape love suddenly became extinct to life. She called it her love suicide as the glisten caressing her soul faded, while lying in the arms of fear.

The author's comments:
This piece is mainly about living a life controlled by fear.

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