"Best Friends Forever" | Teen Ink

"Best Friends Forever"

January 21, 2013
By dancer35 BRONZE, Bradenton, Florida
dancer35 BRONZE, Bradenton, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is 10% how you make it and 90% on how you take it"

I’ve been staring at this blank screen
with it’s blinking cursor
taunting me.
I’ve been wondering what to write for hours,
Two years since we stopped talking
and I’m staring at this blank page and all I can think of is
I miss you, and I care about you, but
I know I shouldn’t.
I just want to feel your bony arms
wrapped around my hips;
to hear the lullaby of your laugh
or the softness of your voice at 2 A.M.
And I guess I could be really poetic about this,
but no similes, or metaphors,
or any combination of 26 letters
seems sufficient anymore.
I just
miss you
I care about you
and I guess I just though you should know that first.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem one day when I was feeling extremely nostalgic over an old friend who is no longer in my life. I spent hours trying to figure out what I would say to her giving the opportunity, but this was all I could think of.

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