Fear Is | Teen Ink

Fear Is

January 15, 2013
By Racaycay BRONZE, Wadsworth, Ohio
Racaycay BRONZE, Wadsworth, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
No Guarantees and No regrets

Let Be, Let God

If you lose yourself your courage soon will follow. So be strong remember who you are.

Law came by Moses but grace and truth come by Jesus Christ. John ♥

Fear is knowing

Fear is knowing you’re alone

Fear is knowing that they are gone

Fear is having no one to protect you

Fear is listening to the sounds of an empty house

Fear is the creaking of the stairs

Fear is the ticking of the clock, slowly going by

Fear is the darkness of the night all around you

Fear is not seeing around the corner

Fear is not finding the light switch

Fear is the gripping cold having you in its grasp

Fear is hearing an hoot

Fear is the echoing of the pounding rain

Fear is the loud clap of thunder making the earth shake

Fear is the sudden sound of roots ripping from the soil

Fear is Hearing the tree crash to the ground along with the telephone wires

Fear is a busy tone on the other line

Fear is not being able to reach anybody

Fear is knowing you are stuck

Fear is being too small

Fear is the glow of eyes at the door

Fear is the sweat that takes over

Fear is the growl piercing the night

Fear is your heart racing inside your chest, beating against your breast bone

Fear is knowing there’s someone outside

Fear is seeing their shadow

Fear is hearing the crunch of leaves under their feet

Fear is catching their eye

Fear is the banging on the door

Fear is them tramping up the steps

Fear is not being able to hide

Fear is seeing the gun

Fear is the hiss of the bullet

Fear is knowing you're about to die

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