I Don't Get Why? | Teen Ink

I Don't Get Why?

January 18, 2013
By mileySseek SILVER, Dunkirk, New York
mileySseek SILVER, Dunkirk, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Was it something I said or something I did?
That made you do something so horrid.
Was it so bad that I really deserved what I got?
No! I think not!
I tried my hardest to be "good".
Which you must have not understood.
For I did nothing wrong to deserve what you did to me.
That took me awhile to realize but now that I did, I'm free.
Free from you and those cruel days.
I'm finding true happiness in different ways.
I know there are days where the memories make me cry
because all I wonder is why, why?
It's true the past I'll never actually forget
but what you did you'll always regret.

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