sparkle sparkle | Teen Ink

sparkle sparkle

January 11, 2013
By johnwilson SILVER, Plymouth, Minnesota
johnwilson SILVER, Plymouth, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

sparkle sparkle in your eye, sparkle sparkle dont know why, sparkle sparkle can it be? sparkle sparkle now i see, sparkle sparkle it's Jesus Christ, sparkle sparkle He lived, He died, sparkle sparkle He rose again! sparkle sparkle when i die i'll live with Him, sparkle sparkle shows saving faith the sparkle shows love, truth, and grace. now come to Him my weary friend and follow Him to life's end,sparkle sparkle can it be? sparkle sparkle now i see,sparkle sparkle heavens a wonder, sparkle sparkle i'll serve Jesus forever.

The author's comments:
i wrote this poem after i noticed that all the Christian friends that i have (all those that i know for sure that have a saving relationship with GOD) had this sparkle in their eyes so the sparkle in this poem is all about this sparkle that i saw and still see. it's the sparkle of joy in their lives, the joy that Jesus gives those that seek Him

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